Developing Emotional Intelligence – Start Small, Stay Small, Get Big

Developing Emotional Intelligence – Start Small, Stay Small, Get Big

By March the gyms and fitness centres that were packed to the walls in early January begin to thin out. Resolutions made become resolutions broken, and the dream of whatever the goal was back on the first day of the New Year becomes a fading memory. Emotional Intelligence Unfortunately, many people’s approach to developing emotional…

What Is Emotional Intelligence And Can We Develop It?

What Is Emotional Intelligence And Can We Develop It?

In general, leaders have no problem learning the tools related to common management leadership topics. A process for resolving conflict? No problem. Tools for more effective communication? Easy. An algorithm for change management? Take your pick. Because leaders are almost always deeply committed to what they are doing, they naturally value the process of learning…

Building Partnerships Through Emotional Intelligence

Building Partnerships Through Emotional Intelligence

Understanding and developing our Emotional Intelligence provides a platform from which we can strengthen our relationships with others and increase our influence. Influence is the effect we have on others. It’s a social ability that enables us to express or propose our ideas to our friends, family and work colleagues in ways that are meaningful…