Welcome To The Discussion Forums! Please Read – Forum Rules

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  • February 23, 2022 at 12:44 pm #6171

    Welcome to the discussion forums. You can post questions, thoughts, observations, articles, ideas, or pretty much anything else related to your work in here.

    As a forum moderator, I will be reading anything posted here, though I will not respond or reply to every things thats posted.

    To ensure everyone gets maximum value from this forum, please follow the rules (there are only 3).

    1. Be nice. Consider people on this forum colleagues. This forum is not anonymous, so whatever you post will have your name attached to it.
    2. Please don’t identify others by name. If you are explaining a situation or scenario, you can simply say ‘a manager I know’, or ‘another employee’.
    3. Take responsibility for whose advice you take/follow. It’s very hard for someone else to fully know your context, so while we absolutely encourage you to share your ideas or thoughts, only you will know what will/won’t work in your environment. You must take responsibility for your actions.

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